Love your car? Make it stay with you for years!
Car love can be undefinable! You tend to live and sleep in your car! People who adore their cars are pretty much attached to it (literally!). You find extreme solace and comfort in your car and love driving it to places to feel relaxed and rejuvenated! When the love for a car is so limitless, you’ll obviously want it to stay with you for long too!
We all buy a car with a dream to enjoy its benefits for years. Even when it’s a used one, we tend to expect a good four to five years of life from it. That is the reason we head for centres of Car Service in Perth as soon as we get a car (used or a new car), and keep going there at regular intervals just like you do routine health check-up for yourself. But that’s not all, you also need to be mindful about how you handle your car to keep it maintained and in excellent condition.
Ways to keep your car running for a long time
The best way to keep a car running and excellently working is getting it serviced regularly by a good Mechanic in Mandurah. The Car Doctor is once such destination that makes sure your car is spic and span at all times. Their vast knowledge and experience in dealing with all kinds of cars give them more brownie points. Once you get your car serviced, you need to take certain precautions for your car that’ll help in giving it a longer and better life. Let’s read what are those actions and precautions:
- Drive smoothly — The first rule of the good book, drive smoothly! You’ll have to drive wisely and beware of all those bumpy rides when driving the car. This would save your car from any damage and friction. Also, if you drive smoothly and never go for reckless driving, you don’t pressurise your clutches, accelerator and brakes too. This gives them a good life as well.
- Changing of car oils regularly — Your car’s engine should always stay oiled for smooth working and longer life. You should be checking the engine oil quantity under the bonnet and get it refilled when it’s under the average mark. You should also replace it entirely with clean and fresh oil when the same gets contaminated with particles in it that can obstruct smooth driving. There’s also brake oil that needs your attention occasionally too. Failing these, your car can show issues while on the road.
- Check your tyres regularly— Your tyres are the support system of your car. You need to keep checking them regularly to let your car run evenly for long. If your tyres have less air pressure, the car eats up more fuel than normal which can shoot up your budget too. Not to forget the high chances of accidents when these tyres burst due to lack of maintenance.
- Always keep the windows up while driving — A basic precaution that you can take to keep your car in good condition is to keep the windows up when on the road. If you drive for even miles with closed windows, there won’t be much dust that’ll enter the car interiors and spoil your car’s upholstery. Also, the inside filters and AC remains dust-free, and last hence long.
- Keep your car batteries working — Car batteries demand proper care. Service them regularly. Also, if you want to keep your car batteries alive and kicking, it’s better to keep your car moving once in a while. Otherwise, your batteries may run down and you would have drained batteries, which would cause your car to slow down or even stop completely.
- Clean and wash the car — For a car to live longer, it’s essential to wash it regularly and clean its interiors too. Basic car trimming services can be also be opted for occasionally. Even the widows should be washed and screened up well for a spotless and clean look. This is important not only for aesthetics but also for health and safety (imagine driving with muddy glasses – and a crash!).
Your car deserves a little consideration from your side. Especially when it’s your companion for journeys near and far. The better care you take of it, the better performance it would gift you back, and the longer will it stay with you!
The Car Doctor is a family-run vehicle servicing company based in Port Kennedy WA.
Our expertly equipped repair centre is easily reached if you are in Rockingham, Safety Bay, Baldivis, Cooloongup, Waikiki, Warnbro, Secret Harbour, Karnup, Kwinana, or Mandurah. Established in 1991, we have built up a solid reputation as honest, reliable, friendly mechanics. Whatever your car’s problem is, the Car Doctor is here to provide dependable diagnosis and treatment at a fair price.
We provide Log Book Servicing, Lubes, Checkups and Mechanical Repairs. We give free quotes on all work and provide courtesy cars, so come and see us today.
Prescribing performance, reliability and service.
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- 7.30am - 4.30pm
- 7.30am - 4.00pm